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Electric Circuits,7 Ed (with solutions) Empty
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 Electric Circuits,7 Ed (with solutions)

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Electric Circuits,7 Ed (with solutions) Empty
MessageSujet: Electric Circuits,7 Ed (with solutions)   Electric Circuits,7 Ed (with solutions) I_icon_minitimeMar 11 Aoû 2009, 15:35

Electric Circuits,7 Ed (with solutions)

Electric Circuits,7 Ed (with solutions) 000d6207_medium

Prentice Hall | 2004 | ISBN: 0131465929 | 992 pages | PDF | 24,2 MB

Electric Circuits, Seventh Edition features a redesigned art program, a new four-color format, and 75% new or revised problems throughout. In the midst of these changes, the book retains the goals that have made it a best-seller: 1) To build an understanding of concepts and ideas explicitly in terms of previous learning; 2) To emphasize the relationship between conceptual understanding and problem solving approaches; 3) To provide readers with a strong foundation of engineering practices. Chapter topics include Circuit Variables; Circuit Elements; Simple Resistive Circuits; Techniques of Circuit Analysis; The Operational Amplifier; Inductors, Capacitors, and Mutual Inductance; Response of First-Order RL and RC Circuits; Natural and Step Responses of RLC Circuits; Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis; and more. For anyone interested in circuit analysis.


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Electric Circuits,7 Ed (with solutions)
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