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AutoCAD And AutoCAD LT - 2009 Empty
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 AutoCAD And AutoCAD LT - 2009

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AutoCAD And AutoCAD LT - 2009 Empty
MessageSujet: AutoCAD And AutoCAD LT - 2009   AutoCAD And AutoCAD LT - 2009 I_icon_minitimeJeu 22 Jan 2009, 21:15

AutoCAD And AutoCAD LT - 2009 AutoCAD2009andAutoCADLT2009NoExperi

AutoCAD And AutoCAD LT - 2009 Black_Info
Sybex | ISBN: 0470260580 | English | 818 pages | PDF | 13.2 MB

Learning AutoCAD, like learning any complex computer program, requires a significant commitment of time and attention and, to some extent, a tolerance for repetition. AutoCAD 2009 and AutoCAD LT 2009: No Experience Required is a simple, yet engaging tutorial that takes readers through an entire project, designing a simple cabin from start to finish, while helping them become familiar with AutoCAD tools and techniques. As you work your way through the book, you'll familiarize yourself with the AutoCAD interface and basic commands, develop efficient drawing strategies, learn how to work with AutoCAD's major features, get comfortable with the 3D modeling tools and methods for applying materials, and ultimately, build a set of drawings that document your progress through the project that can be used later as reference material if you need to refresh a specific skill.

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